What We Believe


Honor is first a heart issue before it is anything else.  Honor begins by honoring God first AND then honoring His creation in the people He surrounds us with.  Honor is to esteem others as valuable and precious; it is a gift, not a reward, we give openly.  

Conversely, dishonor is not simply to treat someone as odious or worthless, it is simply to treat as common what God calls holy!

We honor because we are honorable, not because we decide someone deserves it.  (Philippians 2:3)

God's Word

The Bible communicates the character and nature of God, reveals His promises, Corrects, Directs, Equips, and Protects us. It is a life-giving force that transforms us into His image. (Romans 12:2)


Generosity is first a position and condition of the heart.  We connect deeply with God when we are an open vessel that He can use to pour out His blessings on others. 

It is a clear understanding that we are blessed to be a blessing.  Yes, it involves our finances, but it even more about our time, our talents, and our care for others. 

It is an “over and above” position of the heart.  It begins with “What can I do” rather than “what’s the least that I can do.” (John 3:16, Isa 32:8)


Great relationships are built from shared values, not common traits or interests.  When we surround ourselves with people who are all pulling in the same direction, we can accomplish amazing things. 

Great relationships are built intentionally, not haphazardly.  Relationships are the glue that binds team members together. It helps us identify the greatness in the people God has aligned us with and enables us to speak life and strength into them when they need us most. You can’t build a strong church without them!

(Ps 133:1-3, Ecc 4:9-12, Heb 10:24-25)


We are each individually responsible for our own growth in faith and trusting God.  We cannot depend on others to “grow us” or “feed us.” The word “disciple” literally translates to “follower.” 

Biblical success then becomes a personal pursuit in the context of Godly relationships.  We don’t attain Biblical success by shortcuts, compromise, or equivocation. 

Biblical success is achieved by choosing daily to live a “what matters most” life and paying the price to achieve greatness for God’s kingdom.  We accomplish discipleship through Bible studies, small groups, and servant leadership. (John 12:26,  Matt 16:24, Phil 3:12-17)

Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership is leading with excellence in serving others.  It begins by LEADING YOURSELF to adopt a Kingdom mindset that is born from a spirit of Gratitude. 

The spirit of a servant leader rejects self-centered, selfish thinking and seeks to be the best they can be, deploying their greatness to benefit others. 

It is taking a step back so others can take a step forward. Servant Leadership looks for opportunities to be the answer to a need, turning the blessings God gives us into the empowerment to bless others.   (Mark 10:42-45, Luke 19:17, 2 Cor 6:11-13)



Core Verse

Then Jesus said, “What is the Kingdom of God like? How can I illustrate it? It is like a tiny mustard seed that a man planted in a garden; it grows and becomes a tree, and the birds make nests in its branches.” He also asked, “What else is the Kingdom of God like? It is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.”

Luke 13:18-19 (NLT)